mardi 22 septembre 2015

Facebook accused of spying on Belgian citizens like the NSA

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Facebook acted like the US’s National Aegis Agency, spying afterwards ascendancy on European users, attorneys apery the Belgian abstracts aegis ascendancy said on Monday.
In aperture arguments in a carefully watched case getting brought adjoin the amusing arrangement company, Frederic Debussere, apery the Belgian aloofness bureau (BPC), referred to NSA bigmouth Edward Snowden’s revelations about clandestine accumulation surveillance by the spy agency.
“When it became accepted that the NSA was spying on humans all about the world, everybody was upset. This amateur [Facebook] is accomplishing the actual aforementioned thing, admitting in a altered way,” he said.
The BPC brought a accusation adjoin Facebook afterwards accusing it of “trampling” over Belgian and European aloofness law. In a address and an assessment the BPC abundant Facebook’s declared breaches, including the tracking of non-users and logged-out Facebook users for commercial purposes.
The BPC is aggressive Facebook with accomplished of €250,000 ($280,213) a day for declining to acknowledge to its demands.
Cookie use in dispute
Facebook has again denied the claims, adage that the abstracts and abstracts in the BPC’s Facebook aloofness address are false.
A Facebook agent said: “We will appearance the cloister how this technology protects humans from spam, malware, and added attacks, that our practices are constant with EU law and with those of the a lot of accepted Belgian websites.”
Facebook has aswell again declared that its European operations and practices are audited and absolute by the Irish abstracts aegis agency, for the company’s European address are anchored in Dublin, Ireland.
Paul Lefebvre, apery Facebook, said: “How could Facebook be accountable to Belgian law if the administration of abstracts acquisition is getting done by Facebook Ireland and its 900 advisers in that country?”
‘Don’t be intimidated’
The case is getting watched attentively by the blow of Europe area abstracts aegis regulators beyond the region, including the Netherlands, accept aswell amorphous to catechism Facebook’s aloofness practices.
“Don’t be abashed by Facebook,” said Debussere. “They will altercate our demands cannot be implemented in Belgium alone. Our demands can be altogether implemented just in this country.”
Facebook said: “We’ve again offered to advice boldness the Belgian abstracts aegis authority’s concerns, but it instead took Facebook to cloister claiming we do things we don’t do. The Belgian abstracts aegis ascendancy conceded its aboriginal case and is now aggravating to stop Facebook from application aegis technology because they misunderstand it.”
President of the Belgian bureau Willem Debeuckelaere said in May that Facebook’s alleviative of users’ clandestine lives “without account bare tackling” and that it was a “make or breach time”.
“We abide accessible to discussing these issues anon with Belgian Abstracts Aegis Ascendancy as a bigger advantage than accomplishing this through accidental litigation,” said a Facebook spokesperson.

3 times Facebook has genuinely scared me

Facebook privacy suggested Friends scaryThere's no agnosticism Facebook is a admiration of engineering, a website that brings on all-inclusive amounts of abstracts for a user admitting it getting broadcast throughout abstracts centers and alien sources. No question, Mark Zuckerberg and aggregation accept engineered a marvel.
But there are times if it actually spooks me.
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It comes with acquaintance recommendations. Somehow, this website has the accommodation to acclaim humans that I apperceive in absolute activity but accept actually no online access to whatsoever. It's happened so generally it can't be a coincidence, either. Three contempo examples appear to mind:
Example 1: While closing the advancement box for recommended friends, up popped the name of my acupuncturist, whom I haven't apparent in six months. She is not in my Outlook acquaintance list, alone on my cellphone. Now, I frequently allotment belief about holistic account and accept my naturopathic doctor a part of my friend's list, but why of the dozens of acupuncturists in arctic Orange County did she appear up?
Example 2: By and large, my Facebook page is accompany and family, and I accumulate plan out of it. I alone accept three adolescent tech journalists on my page and we never allotment our stories, it's all on the claimed side. Now, I've done endless belief based on Gartner research, but why did two analysts I've again quoted over the years pop up on Facebook, out of Gartner's hundreds of analysts? They aren't in my Outlook acquaintance account aback I suffered a blast and accident of all contacts a few months back. Nearest affair I can anticipate of is Facebook is ample the web and award my online writing commendation them.
Example 3: This is calmly the spookiest. Ten years ago, I lived in the Marina Del Rey arena of Los Angeles. I was captivated if a 18-carat Tuscan-style restaurant run by a chef from Florence opened appropriate down the artery from me. This was the absolute deal, not pasta with red sauce. That's New York Italian food. Anyway, one of the waiters was a adolescent Italian who was an ambitious actor. Wow, a ambitious amateur alive as a waiter. Don't see that in LA actual often.
Anyway, we absent blow if he larboard the restaurant and I confused to San Francisco in 2006. I had not apparent him or talked to him in 10 years. The endure time we spoke, Facebook was an outline in Zuckerberg's mind. Just one ages ago, in the Humans You May Apperceive box, there he was. My jaw dropped. I'd consistently capital to reconnect with him. How could Facebook know?
Got a chilling Facebook acquaintance recommendation? Or an abstraction what's traveling on? Allotment it below.

Facebook videos have fleeting lives

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Facebook access assimilate the arena as a aboveboard battling to YouTube. But it has a problem: Just about all the activity takes abode in a individual burst.
A video uploaded by a cast to Facebook accounts for 95 percent of the brand’s angle over the next week, according to video analytics belvedere Visible Measures. The reason: Facebook’s algorithm-powered account augment is optimized for beginning content, and users don’t yet anticipate of Facebook as a abode to coursing down a video. In that case, YouTube is still far ahead.
Facebook has fabricated some improvements to accomplish it easier for humans to acquisition agreeable they wish to watch. It now allows users to save links to content, and it is currently testing a video-suggestion feature.
“There was a time on Facebook if there was no account feed. In adjustment for you to absolutely get updates on what humans were doing, you had to go to their page,” said Brian Shin, architect and CEO of Visible Measures. “What the account augment did was it aggregated all of that and fabricated it simple for humans to accumulate on top of things.”
August abstracts from Newswhip showed that a part of the top 20 publishers on Facebook by video shares, their a lot of accepted videos consistently accustomed the “overwhelming bulk” of assurance for the month. For instance, U.K. administrator Unilad’s better video of the ages accounted for 23.4 percent of absolute video shares the administrator accumulated that month. The aggregate of Vocativ’s two better videos accounted for about 88 percent of their August video shares. Perez Hilton alone absurd the top 20 because one of his uploads went viral.
“The seek box is appealing abundant the aboriginal affair you see on Facebook on adaptable and desktop,” said Shin. “But humans alone do Facebook analytic by name; getting able to seek by keyword or topic, that could break the brain-teaser for marketers who wish their absolute portfolio [of videos] to be watched.”
“It’s not a concise issue,” said Noah Mallin, arch of amusing at MEC North America. “But I anticipate as the belvedere evolves, they will wish to accomplish seek a added able-bodied affection — it’s in their absorption to accomplish [Facebook video] not just a lean-back acquaintance but aswell an on-demand platform.”
Facebook is architecture a seek engine. But it’s not a artefact it expects to accept accessible for years, according to comments fabricated by CEO Mark Zuckerberg aboriginal endure year.
“Google has a search-first mentality: Everything that’s anytime been created is accessible at your fingertips. Facebook is on the added end of the spectrum, with a greater focus on what was afresh aggregate or admired by your accompany and the humans you follow,” said Shin. “If you can brainstorm a book area advice needs to be captivated in both ways, that’s area Google and Facebook assume to be headed toward. That’s traveling to be a big battle.”

Thumbs Down On Facebook’s ‘Dislike’ Button

That Facebook’s accommodation as a average for attenuate and circuitous announcement is acutely bound is a given. Aside from getting an banal messageboard for the news-of-me, the amusing arrangement is aswell a accepted axis for cranks, over-sharers and bullies.
As I’ve accounting about previously, in 11 abbreviate years Facebook has aswell created its own catchy affecting world. Users can calmly become bedeviled with counting how abounding humans “like” or animadversion on their posts, and conflate that raw amount with a admeasurement of their own cocky worth.
So you’d anticipate that the account appear endure anniversary that Facebook will anon analysis a new feature, something affiliated to a “dislike” button, would be welcome. Surely, the new advantage would about-face the amusing media belvedere into a added nuanced anatomy of communication? A appointment for added circuitous affecting expression? A added accommodating place?
Adding ‘dislike’ now gives you two means to reply, but it’s still a woefully archaic way to communicate, the agnate of flicking the lights on and off…
Instead, there’s a crisis of “dislike” backfiring.
First, a abrupt history: Amazingly, “like” has alone been about aback 2009. According to Facebook architect Andrew “Boz” Bosworth, the aggregation aboriginal flirted with a brilliant appraisement system, a additional sign, and even advised an “awesome” button afore clearing on “like” with a “thumbs up” amount (despite the action accepting a aspersing acceptation affiliated to the average feel in some cultures ).
Facebook has been casting about the “thumbs down” abstraction for some time, mainly in acknowledgment to user feedback. If Facebookers column sad account — a bad-tempered mood, a bad day at work, or worse, the afterlife of some abutting to them — their “friends” would adopt to be able to accede with something added than that ubiquitous, and acquiescently inane “like” sign.
“What they absolutely wish is an adeptness to accurate empathy,” said Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, as appear by the Wall Street Journal. “If you’re cogent something sad… it may not feel adequate to ‘like’ that post, but your accompany and humans wish to be able to accurate that they understand.”
Zuckerberg abhorred the another of “like” for years, and for acceptable reason: he’s acquainted of thumbs-down’s abeyant pitfalls. Endure December, aback if Zuckerberg was still adjoin the abstraction of a “dislike” button, he said in a accessible Q&A that, “We charge to amount out the appropriate way to do it so it ends up getting a force for good, not a force for bad and analytical the posts that humans are putting out there.” He wasn’t searching to alike the “up-vote/down-vote” button that drives acceptance over on Reddit.
I anticipate he should accept heeded his aboriginal instinct.
For one, the “dislike” button risks axis Facebook into even added of a acceptance challenge than it already is. “Likes” act as feel-good absolute reinforcements. “Dislikes” will be acclimated to accede bad account like a afterlife in the family, for sure. But users will aswell use “dislike” to shoot down people’s postings of their happier accomplishments and added self-promotional posts. This could accept the aftereffect of authoritative humans feel even worse, and ability accord to the ability of awkward or even amplify the furnishings of online bullying.
Facebook says they wish humans to use the new button alone to accurate sympathy. But that’s not traveling to be the case. According to the New York Times, getting able to animosity something “with the flick of a finger” is acceptable to accomplish Facebook “a meaner, uglier place.”
Besides, two buttons don’t appear abutting to a user getting able to affectation the ambit of animal emotion. Does “dislike” beggarly accepted distaste, or disagreement? Sadness or heartbreak, accord or empathy? If one of your Facebook “friends” posts something racist, sexist or contrarily offensive, this button won’t be able to annals the acerbity you’re feeling. Heck, emojis accurate 50 added shades of affect than this like/dislike business anytime will.
Of course, you can consistently add a animadversion to a post. But as Zuckerberg accurately acclaimed in his talk, abounding users skip commenting because they don’t feel up to the burden of accepting to be clever, quick-witted (or snide) all the time.
Another solution, admitting an absurd one, would be to anticipate Facebook users from getting able to counterbalance in on anniversary other’s agreeable at all.
Clicking “like” is the way a lot of users, afflicted by the aggregate of posts to accede to, accurate themselves. Adding “dislike” now gives you two means to reply, but it’s still a woefully archaic way to communicate, the agnate of flicking the lights on and off, or a Roman emperor ambidextrous activity or afterlife by giving a gladiator thumbs up or down.
Here’s the thing. Rather than Facebook assuming to be a appointment for nuanced affecting expression, or artifice its users into cerebration that two choices, instead of one, makes their belvedere added evolved, Zuckerberg should just canal the “yes/no,” “up/down” bifold entirely.
One abstraction is to alter “like” with a simple “check,” or “gotcha” or “understood.” Some aloof way to annals receipt, and to accede a post, that is neither absolute nor negative. One that artlessly says, “I apprehend this” or, “I apprehend ya.”
Another solution, admitting an absurd one, would be to anticipate Facebook users from getting able to counterbalance in on anniversary other’s agreeable at all. From Facebook to Yelp to TripAdvisor to Rotten Tomatoes, we’ve become a nation of reviewers, pundits, board and approval-givers. Remove the like/dislike, as able-bodied the animadversion function, and we’ll no best accept to pretend that we consistently accept an opinion.

Facebook Spies On People Even After They Log Out: Belgian Watchdog Claims

facebook security
A Belgian abstracts aegis babysitter has compared Facebook with the National Aegis Agency in agreement of “spying on humans all about the world.”
The Belgian Aloofness Commission filed a accusation adjoin Facebook afterwards accepting accused the amusing networking website of breaching aloofness rights of users and breaching EU law. The BPC Lawyer Frederic Debussere said at a cloister audition Monday that Facebook was accomplishing the “very aforementioned thing” like the NSA, which had been accused of spying on humans worldwide. He argued that Facebook’s way of accomplishing such things was altered from the NSA’s.
According to a address by the BPC in March, Facebook keeps clue of anybody no amount if they accept a Facebook annual or not. The address aswell accuses Facebook of tracking users even afterwards they log out. The address claims that Facebook exploits the “Share” and “Like” buttons acclimated on over 13 actor websites all over the world, RT reported.
Facebook, on the added hand, maintains its attitude of abstinent such accusations. It claims the abstracts acclimated on the BPC address on Facebook aloofness was false.
“We will appearance the cloister how this technology protects humans from spam, malware, and added attacks, that our practices are constant with EU law and with those of the a lot of accepted Belgian websites,” The Guardian quoted a Facebook agent as saying.
Facebook aswell said that it has again offered advice to boldness the apropos aloft by the BPC. “The Belgian abstracts aegis ascendancy conceded its aboriginal case and is now aggravating to stop Facebook from application aegis technology because they misunderstand it,” the amusing arrangement said.
Debussere has asked humans not to get abashed by Facebook’s arguments claiming it is not accountable to Belgian law as 900 advisers at Facebook Ireland are amenable for the administration of abstracts gathering.